Current Cases

SP-24-3 1287 Redbluff Drive New Apartment Building

Application, Project Description: SP-24-3 1287 Redbluff Application

Notice of Public Meeting: SP-24-3_1287 Redbluff Drive

Proposed Plans: SP-24-3 1287 Redbluff Plans

Resolution: SP-24-3 1287 Redbluff Drive

CU-24-2 2100 S. Alex Road Sheetz

Application, Project Description: CU-24-2 2100 S. Alex Application

Notice of Public Hearing: CU-24-_2100 S. Alex Road

Proposed Plans: CU-24-2  2100 S. Alex Plans

Resolution: CU-24-2 2100 S. Alex Rd.

SP-24-4 2100 S. Alex Road Sheetz

Application, Project Description: SP-24-4 2100 S. Alex Application

Notice of Public Meeting: SP-24-_2100 S. Alex Road

Proposed Plans: SP-24-4 2100 S. Alex Plans

Resolution: SP-24-4_2100 S. Alex Rd.

S-24-2 2100 S. Alex Road Sheetz

Application, Project Description: SP-24-2 2100 S. Alex Application

Notice of Public Meeting: S-24-2 2100 S. Alex Road

Proposed Plans: S-24-2 2100 S. Alex Road Plans

Resolution: S-24-2_2100 S. Alex Rd. (Sheetz)

SSP-24-1 2100 S. Alex Road Sheetz

Application, Project Description: SSP-24-1 2100 S. Alex Road Application

Notice of Public Meeting: SSP-24-1 2100 S. Alex Road

Proposed Plans: SSP-24-1 2100 S. Alex Road Plans

Resolution: SSP-24-1_2100 S. Alex Rd. (Sheetz sign pckg)

CC-24-1 801 E. Dixie Drive Dunkin’

Application, Project Description: CC-24-1 830 E. Dixie Drive Dunkin’

Notice of Public Meeting: CC-24-1 801 E. Dixie Drive

Proposed Plans: CC-24-1 830 E. Dixie Drive Plans

Resolution: CC-24-1_801 E Dixie Dr (Dunkin)

CC-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Application, Project Description: CC-24-3 100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Notice of Public Meeting: CC-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Proposed Plans: CC-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Resolution: CC-24-3_1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

CC-24-2 CC District Amendment

Notice of Public Hearing: CC-24-2 CC District Amendment

Proposed Plans: RES CC-24-2 Exhibit A

Resolution: CC-24-2 CC District Uses

S-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Application, Project Description:S-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Notice of Public Meeting: S-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Proposed Plans: S-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culver’s

Resolution: S-24-3 1100 E. Dixie Dr. Culvers