Building and Zoning Permits

Most permit application forms must be submitted online:

In the menu to the right, click on “Online Permit Application Forms” for building permits, electric permits, mechanical permits, zoning/occupancy permits, sign permits, and demolition permits.

In the menu to the right, click on “Online Zoning Certificate Application Forms” for above-ground swimming pools, commercial accessory buildings, residential accessory uses, antennas, dumpster enclosures, fences, garden centers, home occupancies, mobile food vendors, sheds (less than 200 square feet), temporary signs, temporary structures, and temporary uses.

A few permit application forms must be downloaded by clicking on “Download Permit Application Forms” in the menu to the right, and submitted via email, fax, mail, or in person. These permit applications include small cell facility permits, mobile food vendor permits, site development permits, massage establishment occupancy licenses, and special flood hazard area development permits. This section also includes the business night reference form for the police department, the business directory update form listing all businesses in the city, and information required to be submitted on a floor plan.

*Plumbing – permits are issued by the Division of Public Health, Dayton and Montgomery County. Contact the Health Department at 937-225-4421 for information.

Permit Payments

Payment is due after the permit is approved and may be paid as follows:

  • Pay your permit fees in person at the Planning and Community Development Department.
  • Drop payment into the drop box at the Civic Center, 300 E. Central Ave.  (Payments must be in an envelope and include your name, phone number and permit number.)
  • Mail your payment to City of West Carrollton, 300 E. Central Ave., West Carrollton, Ohio 45449.

Pay your permit fee online here

View a list of permit fees

The Planning and Community Development Department can be reached at [email protected] or (937) 859-5783.

Ohio Building Codes to be Revised in 2024

Effective March 1, 2024, Ohio building codes will be revised. There are significant changes to the commercial building code and minor changes to the residential code. Also, there will be significant changes to the electrical code that apply to both commercial and residential projects. This will not affect any projects under construction or applications in review before this date. If you are planning a new project, keep in mind that any projects submitted after March 1, 2024, will need to follow the new codes. Contractors and other professionals should be aware of these changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Planning & Community Development Department at (937) 859-5783 or visit our website

2024 Ohio Building Code Rules Effective March 1, 2024

The City of West Carrollton contracts with a company called SAFEbuilt ( for building official services. These services include reviewing building permit applications and plans as well as conducting inspections of building projects, to ensure they meet state building code safety requirements. SAFEbuilt officials will be clearly identifiable in the community by carrying City IDs, and they will also have their SAFEbuilt IDs, be wearing SAFEbuilt apparel, and have SAFEbuilt magnetic signs on their vehicles to identify themselves to West Carrollton citizens. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Planning & Community Development at (937) 859-5783 or email [email protected].