West Carrollton City Council is expected to pass legislation appointing Amber Holloway as its next city manager during Tuesday evening’s Council meeting. Holloway, who is the assistant city manager for the city of Vandalia, won’t actually take the post until Dec. 17. Brad Townsend is set to retire at the end of the year after serving as West Carrollton city manager since 2007. “Obviously we owe Mr. Townsend a huge debt of gratitude for leading us through the last 15 years,” Mayor Jeff Sanner said in a statement. “With his retirement announcement, we decided to search for a new leadership style with specific skill sets to bring the future of West Carrollton to fruition, and we believe we’ve done that with Ms. Holloway. “We interviewed several worthy candidates, but Amber’s economic development background combined with her municipal operations experience was just what we were looking for to take this community to the next step in our vision.” Holloway, who has served as Vandalia’s assistant city manager since January 2018, previously served as Vandalia’s city planner from March 2015 to January 2018. Prior to that she was a planner for the Corradino Group from March 2014 to March 2015. The city hired Management Advisory Group, headquartered in Westerville, as a third-party to lead the effort of finding a new city manager.
Source: https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/west-carrollton-picks-vandalia-leader-as-next-city-manager/5A46YD23LBFWFILOBU4MLNZVVQ/