Calling all skeletons, werewolves and superheroes: the city’s 17th annual Monster Mash event returns this year. It will be held at Weidner Park next to the Civic Center, 300 E. Central Ave., from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27.
Hundreds of people typically attend the festivities. Activities include hayrides, pumpkin decorating, carnival games, costume contest a Cake Walk sponsored by The W.C. Lions Club. The costume contest for children will be held at the start of the event and prizes will be awarded in several age groups.
There will be a mini-pumpkin patch with free pumpkins for the first 400 children. The West Carrollton Nazarene Church will provide a ‘decoration station’ and the staff from the West Carrollton Library will also have activities. Popcorn will be available at the concession stand. Admission is free for all activities.
“This contest seems to be quite popular so, we’re happy to do it again for 2022. We’re also excited to bring in Underdogs Mobile food truck this year, too, for people to grab dinner during the event,” said Christian Mattingly, parks and recreation director.
The city will hold the second annual Halloween Home Decorating Contest for West Carrollton residents. To participate, persons must register their homes (houses, condos, apartments are eligible) by Wednesday, October 26, to be included in the contest. City Beautiful Commission members will be judging those homes Sunday, October 30, from 8-10 p.m. so, residents should leave any decorative lights on that evening.
Click HERE to register for the contest.