City News

September 3, 2024

Construction to Begin on Alex-Bell Road/I-75 Underpass Project

Construction to Begin on Alex-Bell Road/I-75 Underpass Project

Construction on the Alex-Bell Road/I-75 Underpass project will officially begin on the morning of Wednesday, September 18th. This exciting enhancement project includes landscaping, limestone rip-rap, new lighting, fresh paint, and decorative banner poles, all aimed at beautifying and improving this key corridor.

Pedestrian Traffic:
During Phase 1, the sidewalk on the south side of Alex-Bell Road will be closed, and pedestrians will be rerouted to the north side. Once Phase 1 is complete, work will shift to the north side, and pedestrians will be rerouted back to the south. Detours will be posted to guide foot traffic safely.

Vehicle Traffic:
One lane of traffic in each direction will remain open. Construction barrels will be used to shift lanes, and a construction speed limit of 25 mph will be enforced, with a reduced limit of 20 mph during school zone hours. Drivers are urged to use caution when traveling through the area.

The project is expected to take approximately 60 days to complete, weather permitting, and is funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by Montgomery County.


Read these articles for more on the topic:


Dayton Daily News