Frequently Asked Questions

Who is required to file West Carrollton income tax returns?

What if I only lived in West Carrollton part of the year?

What schedules or supporting documents should I attach to my return?

Are retired persons required to pay city tax?

What income is considered taxable?

I have a rental property that shows a loss each year after expenses. Should I include that in my return?

My W-2 has differing amounts in the Federal income box (box 1), the local income box (box 18) and the Medicare box (box 5). Which amount should I show as taxable wages for my city income tax return?

I live in West Carrollton but work in another city and have tax withheld for that city. Do I get credit for that against my West Carrollton tax liability?

When are tax returns due?

When are estimate payments required?

What are the penalties if I don’t file or pay my tax balance?

Who do I contact if I have questions or need assistance filing out a return?